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As of last week, rubber parking stops called “Park-Its” now protect a half block segment of the Pennsylvania Avenue protected bikeway, between 9th and 10th Streets NW.

The Park-Its are intended to protect cyclists from drivers making illegal U-turns across Pennsylvania Avenue’s median bike lanes.

DDOT crews installed the first Park-Its yesterday around 11:00 am. Workers will add more in the coming days, until Park-Its line the bikeway for the two block stretch from 9th to 11th.

Full installation of Park-Its all along Pennsylvania Avenue could eventually happen, but for now DDOT hopes to determine if this initial installation works. According to DDOT’s Darren Buck, the Park-Its on 1st Street NE sometimes pull up out of the pavement.

Park-Its succeed the zebras that DDOT installed in 2013, but which proved only partially effective. For now, the zebras between 12th and 13th Streets will remain in place.

 Cross-posted at Greater Greater Washington.

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December 22nd, 2014 | Permalink
Tags: bike, transportation



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