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The first of Arlington’s new batch of Capital Bikeshare stations was installed this morning in Courthouse, and is now up and running. According to Arlington, another station will be installed tomorrow in Clarendon, and another four in that area will go in later this month.

The new bikes come with a couple of upgrades. The basket is a little bit more sturdy, and a new set of “standing lights” will continue to flash for 90 seconds after these bikes stop moving. The new lights are a big safety upgrade. Lights on older bikes stopped flashing whenever a bike stopped moving, which meant bikes stopped at red lights weren’t lit up.

New Cabi station in Courthouse.

New basket.

Note the new set of lights on the bottom of the basket frame.

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 174 user reviews.

November 10th, 2011 | Permalink
Tags: bike, galleries, transportation



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