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High speed rail in Taiwan

Citing the famous Daniel Burnham quote to “make no small plans”, President Obama today pushed for high speed rail investments around the country. The highlights:

  • The United States is far behind other countries in the developed world in regards to passenger rail.
  • Better trains improve national security and the environment by fostering energy independence.
  • A new rail network will create jobs in both the short and long term, and improve the economic situation of cities served.
  • In addition to the $8 billion included for high-speed rail in the stimulus, there is a further $5 billion proposed for the regular national budget.

If America is to remain competitive in a globalized world of expensive oil, we need this kind of long term investment in modern infrastructure. The President’s dedication to rail (to the tune of $13 billion so far) is really, really fabulous news.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 290 user reviews.

April 16th, 2009 | Permalink
Tags: government, The New America, transportation



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