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There are a lot of little things going on today, but I don’t have time to cover them in detail at the moment. Instead, quickie comments on a bunch of topics, rapid-fire like. If you follow on Twitter you may have already seen some of it.

  • The ICC is already suffering traffic jams. They appear to be the result of a specific temporary bottleneck, but nonetheless I think it says something about the wisdom of trying to road-build your way out of congestion when a brand new multi-billion dollar highway jams up in less than a week.
  • The 18th Street streetscape project has been going on for months now in Dupont, but it’s about to begin in Adams Morgan, where it will be much more visible since 18th is such an important street in that neighborhood. In addition to nicer sidewalk paving and street furniture, the most notable change will be conversion of on-street parking from the existing front-in layout to more traditional parallel parking. Sharrows will also be added to the street for bikes.
  • Leesburg has rezoned a commercial/industrial area adjacent to downtown for urban instead of suburban-style development. The new form-based code focuses heavily on extending the character of Leesburg’s historic downtown.
  • Earlier this week new developers acquired 675 H Street, NW, better known as the long-empty building right in front of the Chinatown gate. Hopefully with new ownership will come new development plans. It’s ridiculous that a prominent building on one of the city’s best corners has sat empty so long.
  • Redevelopment plans are moving forward in Wheaton and North Bethesda. I’ll have more to say about the Wheaton plan next week, probably Monday or Tuesday.
  • Alexandria is considering joining Capital Bikeshare. If ever there were a place perfect for bikesharing, it’s King Street between the Metro and waterfront.

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 228 user reviews.

February 25th, 2011 | Permalink
Tags: bike, development, government, roads/cars, transportation, urbandesign



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